vapaaehtoista kehitysyhteistyötä ja virkistävää yhteistoimintaa
7. Elo, 2019
Ocotober 2021 we are plannng again a trip to Zambia. Follow our information and join us!
10. Elo, 2016
Pellina from Isenge village phoned me on Monday evening 9.50 pm. She send her warmest thanks for the money that was send to Rachel to pay the costs of the course she has now outside the school in health posts. Pellina said that receipts will follow in due time.
At Aittacafé everyone could have seen the last receipts they send from the village and we try to remember to bring them also at the next Christmas marquet.
Pellina told us also that the money to prepare the lunch at Vesilahti Municipality School has ended. During the summer we did not succeed in collecting a lot of money at Aittacafé because staff was so occupied with the clients but I promised to inform about this problem. At the moment the account is quite empty.
3. Tammi, 2016
Isenge Club representatives would like to meet you are restaurant Seehaus the 21st of Jan at 1 pm - just for a lunch and short discussions. Please inform before if you can join this short meeting
30. Elo, 2015
I am a proud member of Isenge club. This club has made tremendous contribution to the education and livelihood of the rural area of Zambia.The school is called Vesilahti named after the sister school in Finland. The school project was financed by the kind people from Finland. This school is located in the village called Kafubu West farm block near Ndola. It takes roughly 40km to drive from Ndola to Vesilahti primary school in Zambia
The school has good facilities namely: electricity, water, health post, teachers houses, and toilets. This school has assisted many children who used to walk long distances to reach their government school. Now the children can spend more time in the school than spending it on walking. Education is an equalizer in life. These children will grow as responsible citizens of Zambia
Kindly pass my heart felt appreciations to the peoples of Finland.
King regards
Peter Chamfya
30. Elo, 2015
The Great Friend of Vesilahti, Sven will begin as a local agent of Isenge Club in Germany from September 2015. We wish to hear some greetings from time to time and for that we open for him his own page.
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What is Isenge Club?
Isenge is a tiny village in Zambia. Vesilahti Lower Level Secondary School began to work with this village in 2005. We have chosen this name because it is easy to say in many languages.
This club we founded to guarantee that these interesting contacts that we have now in Zambia and Senegal will continue. We want to keep contact and also listen their needs and follow their development.
The Vesilahden yläaste has build in those villages plenty of services based on the discussions with the local people. In Zambia a well, a primary school, houses for teachers, toilettes, sewing course for 20 women, electricity to the school, healt post, a container in which we hope that village people will open a small shop, chicken project, and now we are providing education for a student from the village to be educated a nurse etc and in Senegal will be build this autumn a secondary school.
In these pages mostly in Finnish you find plenty od material of the backgrounds of this work. There are also plenty of material in English.
The other part of the purpose of Isenge Club is to keep conctact with people who have joined to be members of the club. Finnish citizens has a fee (20 euros/year) but at least at the beginnig foreign citizens are free of charge because they have problems in joining the activities that happen in Finland. In the future we will be found also in Latvia and Germany having yearly some activities.
First meeting on the 28th of June and it will be a yearly happening in the future: the name of this happening will be Isenge Club Day.
A cruise Turku-Maarianhamina-Turku through the most beautiful archipelago in the world: delicious food and great company!
The 10th of July second garden party meeting with 41 people.We wish that also this one would be in the future an annual happening.
The 13th of Dec 2015 we take part in the Christmas marquet organized by the Lower Level Secondary School of Vesilahti - The School of Global Education. Volunteers are needed to serve people behind the desk. Welcome! Inform about your possibility to
The 13th of Dec at 6 pm we are planning to have a Live Aid concert at our school for Africa. A little part of the possible musical performance you can see at the front page of our web page.
The 31st of Dec 2015 New Year celebration in Mariehamn. Accommondation at Hotel Park. Departure the 31st of Dec at 8.45 from Turku and back home from Mariehamn the 1st of Jan 2016 at 14.25 and arrival to Turku at 19.50. Price according to the number of participants. Membership has to be valid from the 1st of Oct 2015.
The 27th of Feb 2016 Wind Band in Cesis will have its birthday concert at Vidzeme Concert Hall in the Cesis city center. Isenge Club members can join this trip. Membership must be valid from the 15th of Jan 2016. The trip schedule will be confirmed when we know the participants. Next to the Concert Hall situates hotel Cesis and it offers good level accommondation for all. Reservations must be done early because we are not the only ones to participate. Reservations
28.4.2016 Vesilahti-Diamniadio -päivä/ Jour/day
14.5.2016 Vesilahti-Isenge päivä/Day
June 2015 we plan to make a trip to Greece, the beautiful town of Parga. We have visited the toen several times and we know also plenty of people from that area. Let´s hope all goes well with the Greek project.
28.6.2016 Isenge Club Day - ilmoittautuminen ehdottomasti etukäteen. Book your seat in advance.
28.4.2017 Vesilahti-Diamniadio -päivä/ Jour/day will be combined to Tapani´s birthday cruise from Turku the 29th of Apr 2017 on m/s Viking Gracella. Seats are ready to be booked for members.
Ship will leave Turku on Saturday the 29th of Apr at 8.55pm, arrives Stockholm at 6.30 amd, departures back at 7.45 am and arrives Turku at 7.50 pm. During the journey we have time to look backwards in the conference room (films, other material), have lunch together and enjouy the beautiful Finnish archipelago.
14.5.2017 Vesilahti-Isenge päivä/Day
October 2017 our 10th anniversary trip to Isenge village in Zambia. When we know the wishes of the passangers enough early we can plan all kind of safaris or other visits part of the journey,
In Germany we agreed that in the future we try to organize regularly trips also to
- Stadtfest St Georgen and
- wine festival in Mosel area, mostly to Bernkastel-Kues
All inquieries at You are warmly welcome to all of our activities.
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